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10 Sales Strategies to Generate Income on Blog



10 Sales Strategies to Generate Income on Blog

10 sales strategies to generate income on your blog

Today, the Internet has been able to transform the lives of many people. A few years ago, we would have never imagined that, through a computer with the Internet, we could literally manage our day-to-day: pay bills, make purchases, communicate and even earn money.

Yes, the Internet has allowed many people to generate money and work independently, such as selling digital or physical products through a blog.

But what about those bloggers who still can't sell anything, let alone make money with their page? In this post, we will teach you several sales strategies that will allow you to sell products and services on your blog.

How is this possible?

Easier than it seems...

If you have a blog but still can't make it profitable or get some kind of financial benefit, this material is for you. If, on the other hand, you have not yet encouraged yourself to create a blog this material can inspire you to become a true digital entrepreneur.

Let's get started!!

1. Content Marketing

To sell online and generate income on your blog, you need to rely on techniques that allow you to attract traffic to your website. What is the use of creating a landing page and a great product if nobody visits or knows about it?

Content marketing is a marketing strategy that basically consists of creating useful content for your audience through content marketing, it is possible to increase traffic to your site and increase your chances of selling.

Although paid ads can help you drive traffic quickly, content marketing allows you to generate quality leads and it's free!

content marketing strategies

2. Mental triggers

Mental triggers are a marketing strategy that can help you generate more revenue for your blog. These small resources can allow you to sell any type of product or information product that you offer on your page in a much easier way.

And how is this possible? Mental triggers will help you persuade and understand your potential customers much better.

With this we are not talking about cheats or anything like that, they are little tricks that will allow you to boost your marketing strategies and at the same time, offer just what your readers want.

There is an endless list of mental triggers (also known as "mental triggers" or "psychological triggers"). Some of them are reason, authority, scarcity, reciprocity, novelty, etc.

For example, if you say that you have few products available, you are using the resource of scarcity, which makes people want to make the purchase more because they do not want to miss the opportunity to acquire something exclusive.

If you are interested in including mental triggers in your sales techniques to generate income on your blog.

3. Sales Videos

A sales video is a great strategy that you can use to publicize the benefits and benefits of your products. Many consumers or customers who search for products on the Internet are not satisfied with looking at a couple of photos and reading a description that describes their size, use, etc.

As we explain in this video on the subject a sales video is basically a video presenting your product that generally lasts a few seconds or a couple of minutes and aims to convince your audience that your product is the ideal one to satisfy their problem. or need.

Some tips to keep in mind when creating your sales videos are:

Capture the attention of your audience

Talk a little about yourself Show your authority!

Approach your audience: connect with your audience, and use your experience to capture their attention.

Present a solution: let them know that your product is ideal to solve their problem or satisfy their need.

Overcome objections and obstacles: answer people's possible questions.

Show the options to acquire the product, explain how much your product is worth,, and the payment methods.

Use a Call To Action or call to action.

promotions and exclusive offers

4. Promotions and exclusive offers

Many bloggers tend to get frustrated or discouraged when they fail to sell what they expect.

it is important that before you sit on the couch to complain and look for another way to earn money, you review your sales strategies and include new techniques or modify those that are not generating good results.

Promotions and exclusive offers are sales strategies that work very well and can help you sell through your blogs.

Let's face it, who wouldn't like to save some money? Offering lower prices for a period, holding raffles, and offering special conditions for those who are already your clients are good ideas.

5. Seasonal Marketing

Special dates like Christmas, Valentine's Day, or Mother's Day are a great opportunity to boost sales on your blog and we call this seasonal marketing.

Seasonal marketing is a sales strategy that can help you obtain greater economic benefits and basically consists of adapting your campaigns according to each time of the year to stand out from your competitors.

If you are an entrepreneur and you are just starting to navigate this world of Internet sales, this may bring certain challenges:

In the case of entrepreneurs who offer info products, there is no major problem since the delivery of the product can be fully automated. That is, the effort to sell a couple of products or thousands is the same.

However, if you offer physical products on your blog, sales peaks may complicate logistical issues, such as item shipments.

6. Co-marketing

Co-marketing is a good idea for those entrepreneurs who have not yet managed to have good numbers in their sales or who simply want to increase them. This marketing strategy basically consists of associating two or more brands to enhance value, stand out, and obtain profitability.

Associating yourself with another company or entrepreneur in pursuit of the same objective has great advantages, for example: entering markets that you previously could not access, attracting new clients, or sharing expenses.

Sharing efforts with other people is a great way to grow and succeed as a digital entrepreneur.

7. Affiliate links

Spreading Affiliate links on your blog is another good strategy to generate income. You just have to choose third-party products that are related to your niche and recommend them to your readers. Whenever someone makes a purchase thanks to your link, you receive a commission.

This is a practice that has great advantages, such as:

- There are no risks

- Allows you to increase your sales capabilities

- Too easy!

- Both parties obtain benefits: you receive commissions and the producer or owner of the product makes more sales.

To start spreading affiliate links, you need to subscribe to a platform where you can choose products to spread.

The platform automatically takes care of sending your payment when you make a sale. That is, the benefit of both is guaranteed.

8. Product recommendation as a digital influencer

Brands and companies have started to use the influence of many people to spread their new products or services through the Internet. If your blog has already reached a significant number of readers, why not earn money by recommending products?

To do so, you can start contacting those brands that interest you and offer your services as a digital influencer. For example, if you have a blog about Fashion and makeup, you could recommend to your readers online stores, specific makeup products, or a place to go shopping.

Being a digital influencer is a great way to generate income on your blog and have fun at the same time.

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9. Rich materials

Another way you can start to improve your sales is by creating a list of potential customers and developing an email marketing campaign. How do achieve it?

Well, it's very easy: to get all these e-mails you must start by offering something in return. In general, customers are annoyed by the fact that they receive so much advertising and junk content in their emails.

But if instead of falling into that mistake you focus on sending them quality content, we assure you that your potential customers will be much more encouraged to invest money in your products.

Start by offering free, rich material on your blog in exchange for their e-mail. Also, sending quality content to your readers is a great way to demonstrate your authority, drive page views, and offer your products.

10. Hype

Hype is a sales technique that works very well to publicize products on your blog. This strategy basically consists of emphasizing an idea, a product, or a service even before it is launched on the market.

For example, have you ever seen how when a company is about to release a new product, rumors arise or expectations about it begin to arise.

Rich materials potential customers


If you want to improve your sales results, take into account these ten sales strategies to help you sell in a much more fun and easy way. However, we invite you not to limit yourself to this text and gradually discover what works best for you.

What did you think of this post? Would you like to share any experience or sales technique that could be useful for those who start selling through their blogs?

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  1. Nice
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