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How To Promote Your Blog more effectively? 17 New Strategies For 2022


Promote Your Blog

In this article, we want to show you exactly what advertising is like. Let's continue reading this practical article without interruption. Join me to get many views through your site articles and improve your SEO, and learn how to promote your blog more effectively and easily.

1. Give gifts to users in guest articles

If you are just starting, using guest posting is a great way to grow your blog. Guest posts are posts that you write and publish on other sites and link to your site in the text you write. This will increase your blog traffic.

Of course, there is a problem here. And that bringing people from another site to our site is really hard work!

Research has shown that guest posts drive an average of only 50 visitors to the site.

But what is the solution?

The solution is to give your visitors a gift. That means you should not just put a link at the bottom of your article and expect your blog traffic to increase. Instead, you should give suggestions to users that they want to visit your site. This traffic has a positive effect on the optimization of your site.

For example, you could write at the end of your article, "If you're ready to get started, you can get a gift here that will get you there."

This gift can be an example of an e-book that you have provided for these users.

writers are high flyer

2. Write content based on information

Content that has been written based on information and statistics is very important at the moment and will help you to make your blog very prominent.

For example, do research in your field or research specific cases and then publish information and statistics from this research. For example, if you work in the field of article writing, you can check the articles of different sites and publish statistics and information about them.

This type of content is usually republished in large numbers on various social networks and will also bring a large number of backlinks Of course, this also has its problems.

Doing such research usually takes a lot of time and sometimes a lot of money.

But the more you try and provide first-hand content, the better your results will be.

3. Update your old content

You can also increase your site traffic by updating old content.

In the first step, go to the oldest content of your site.

Then try to update and upgrade your content. In the meantime, of course, you may come across outdated items. You have to make very extensive changes to this content. You may need to change the images or a large portion of the text.

This way you can increase your site traffic.

Do this for as many contents as you can. Depending on how much content you have, this can take months, but it can be very rewarding.

4. Use LinkedIn

LinkedIn now has 645 million users.

But despite all the users of this platform, most people do not use it properly and this is good news for you and me. You too can use LinkedIn to grow your blog.

So you have to republish your best content on LinkedIn.

used Linkedin

5. Use a simple email newsletter

A great way to promote new articles is to use an email newsletter. Different formats can be used for the newsletter. But a very simple newsletter template can work great. Create a simple newsletter with very few graphic elements. It has a very short introduction and does not include pictures.

Also, use a short and quick introduction and link to your content on the site. This will increase the click-through rate on your link.

6. Use custom emails

Sometimes it is necessary to email the owner of other blogs and ask them to put a link to your content in their blog.

But be careful not to use duplicate and clichéd emails. Instead, you should personalize each email according to the person you are going to email. This will increase your chances of getting someone to read your email and link to your site.

7. Use attractive photos on social networks

Make sure you use social media to promote your blog posts. But to attract more people to your site and increase your site traffic, it is better to use very attractive and high-quality photos.

use social media

8. Turn your articles into videos and publish them on YouTube

It may be difficult for YouTube to find and create video content, but it will be easier if you already have your content ready.

So you can also convert the articles you have already published on your site into videos and publish them on YouTube with a slight change in structure or content.

This way, people who are interested in video content will also see your video and become familiar with your blog.

9. Reply to all comments

First, try to post valuable comments on your site.

Then try to reply to all of these comments. Responding to these comments is especially important in the first 48 hours after you publish your article.

By responding to comments, people will realize that you care about them and that you value them.

Even if you do, thank a simple thank you to the users who leave a comment for you.

Also, if they have any questions about your article, they will be answered in this way and you will help them.

This will turn your blog from a simple blog into an active forum.

10. Write about new topics

If there are strong competitors in your field, do not worry, you can still beat them in some cases. For example, you can publish content with new topics that your competitors have not covered.

As an SEO, you can use this method as a strategy and always write articles with new topics. In this way, you can be superior to your competitors.

write about new topics

11. Gift-giving in podcasts

You may also be a guest on Podcast, In these cases, you can consider it a gift for the listeners of this podcast.

You can mention this gift at the end of this podcast, which is placed on your site for these people. These people will need to enter their email addresses to receive the gift when they enter the link you provided. This will also get you a new email list.

To implement this strategy, you must first create something (this can be in the form of an e-book that you think the listeners of this podcast are looking for. It's better to supplement the content you mention in your podcast.

Discuss the gift with the person on your podcast. Often, people will welcome this because you are going to give a gift to their audience.

Then, at the end of the podcast, provide the contact with the URL for this gift.

People will now be able to receive their gifts by entering their email.

12. Publish your content at the right time

When is the best time to post new blog posts?

There is no right answer to this question. It is best to try different times and, after reviewing the results, finally choose the time that works best for you.

13. Post helpful comments on other blogs

Browsing other blogs and posting useful comments on the content of these sites, in addition to helping others, will make more people know you as an expert in this field. This way you will probably receive an offer to collaborate, speak at an event or participate in a podcast as a guest, and you can take advantage of these opportunities to promote your blog using the tips we mentioned earlier.

make new connections

14. Make new connections

Try to connect with other bloggers. In this way, you can use the experiences of others in the production of content, practical tools in this field, recruitment, and. In return, you can convey tips to them. That way, both blogs will grow.

So try to connect with bloggers whose blog is the same level as your blog.

15. Use user case studies

Sometimes it is possible to describe a strategy or technique in your blog.

Then try to find one of your contacts who has come up with this technique. You can now contact this user and ask for details. Then start writing a new article using this information.

This content usually gets a lot of views and many people search for it on various social networks.

16. Create attractive images, charts, and visual elements

If you use infographics and charts on your site that you have created yourself, many people will publish them and link to your site without you having to ask them to link to your site.

Try to use these elements in all the contents of your site.

Create attractive

17. Pay close attention to posts that include a list of items

You must have seen the contents in which tips, strategies, tactics, and are listed. Such content is usually the mainstay of your blog because it is very popular with users.

Such content usually generates visitors to the site for a long time.

Research in this area has shown that such content is usually more republished by individuals than other types of content.

18. Additional notes:

1. Start your list with the most unique tips

When people start reading such material, they usually expect to learn something new. So try to start your list with your special points and also mention some special points at the end of the article.

2. Publish customizable quotes in your article

Using this method, many people will publish your article on Twitter.

To do this, try to find the part of your content that is worth sharing. You should find content that can be tweeted.

unique ideas make your blog attractive


Dear READERS, in this article I’ll break down Blog promotion strategies in very easy steps, there are so many articles on this topic but as a blogger, I’ll discover people are finding something easy and try n’ tested steps hence I’ll write this, now you tried and give your precious comments below.

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